Quizzes book of exodus ten

It comes directly after the book of genesis in the old testament and is included in the abrahamic texts as well as the torah. Exodus bible quiz pdf dave design gods minute also accepts prayer requests, the lord god made them tunics of skin and clothed here is the structure of acts 2. Chapters 118 narrate the history of the egyptian bondage, the exodus from egypt, and the journey to mount sinai under the leadership of moses. Exodusone of the most influential books in western historyis only 32,692 words long. This quiz has been taken 15329 times, with an average score of 57. Simply rightclick the image and save to your computer. Free interactive bible quizzes with answers and high score tables. The exodus bible trivia bible trivia 145 bible quizzes.

The bible exodus, deliverance of the jews from egypt. International teacher and author bill cloud will teach you in this fascinating study of the book of exodus from a hebraic messianic perspective. The bible verses are taken from the american standard bible. This quiz has been taken 18643 times, with an average score of 80. Which book comes before the book of exodus in the old testament. Bible quizzes free automatically scored quizzes on a variety of bible topics. The book of exodus tells the story of moses and the hebrew people.

Did the israelites in the book of exodus cross the red sea or the reed sea. Thou shalt not covet thou shalt not steal thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not bear false witness 14. Two cherubim candlestick golden bowl aarons rod 15. The book of deuteronomy is the fifth book of the christian old testament and of the jewish torah, where it is called devarim.

Mount ararat mount everest mount sinai mount carmel. W elcome to our bible quizzes page bible quizzes are a fun way to learn gods word. There are many topics to choose from, and a new quiz of the week is posted every wednesday. Pharaoh would not release the israelites from captivity. Before you attempt to answer the questions below you should read theses chapters in the bible and answer the questions at the end of each chapter found at the website answer the questions below and then click ok to send your answers. Exodus and which bible book list the ten commandments. Exodus master quiz exodus master quiz, continued journey to the mountain of god 16. Moses was given the task of passing on gods ten commandments. Thats shorter than the great gatsby exodus is the first time in the bible where god reveals his name, yhwh 3.

Each of our bible quizzes consists of 10 questions and challenges the quiz taker to win and collect our proprietary biblebrain character badges aka bible brains. Of all the complainers who exited egypt, none made it into the. Fun for kids to print and test their knowledge of moses, pharaoh, the israelites, ten plagues, the red sea crossing, mount sinai, and the exodus. David allows one of his sons to rape his stepsister.

Test your knowledge on the story of the prophet moses in egypt in this challenging bible quiz. Choose from 500 different sets of bible quiz exodus 20 flashcards on quizlet. Our online book of exodus trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top book of exodus quizzes. So i have come down to rescue them from the hand of the egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey. They help teach, test, and train bible knowledge in an exciting and selfchallenging way. The exodus forms the basis of the easter jewish holiday of passover independence day 4. This is a self test on chapters 16 40 of the book of exodus. Choose from 500 different sets of bible quiz exodus 1 flashcards on quizlet. Some key topics that will be covered are israels enslavement in egypt, the birth and life of moses, the lords passover, and gods plan of. Introduction to the book of exodus learn religions. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and i am concerned about their suffering. The israelites lived in egypt 400 years 30 years 430 years. The second half of the book tells of the covenant that was established between god and israel at sinai and promulgates laws for the ordering of israels life since exodus continues the sacred story of the divine promise to israel begun in genesis.

Find out more about the book of exodus in this quiz from education quizzes. Statistics on the jetpunk quiz bible book of exodus trivia. A comprehensive database of more than 47 book of exodus quizzes online, test your knowledge with book of exodus quiz questions. What did the law mean when it referred to a lasting ordinance. It concludes with the message that the duty of man is to fear god and keep his commandments. This book of the bible contains the musings of king solomon on the pointlessness of worldly activities. There are already several excellent quizzes devoted to the book of exodus. Learn bible quiz exodus 20 with free interactive flashcards. The exodus the ten commandments to the promised land. The book of exodus records the events of gods spectacular deliverance of israels people from egyptian slavery, as well as their establishment as a nation. In the exodus, the hebrews were looking for an island with good sea ports jerusalem a new home land a jungle refuge. Soon after they left egypt, the people began to complainmurmur because there was no food or water.

Plus, scripture references for easy bible verse lookup and an answer key for teachers. Before you attempt to answer the questions below you should read these chapters in the bible and answer the questions at the end of each chapter found at the website answer the questions below and then click ok to send your answers. Which sea did moses and the israelites cross with the help of god. In what book of the bible will you find the ten commandments. A fun way to see how much you know about the bible whilst complementing your bible study.

Take this bible quiz to find out how well you know them. Chapters of the book consist of three sermons or speeches delivered to the israelites by moses on the plains of moab, shortly before they enter the promised land. This quiz consists of 10 questions and the results are immediate. Other than in exodus, in which other book of the bible can. Can you answer the following questions on the book of exodus, the second book of the christian old testament. The exodus is described in the exodus novel, leon uris 1958 exodus film, otto preminger 1960 biblical book of exodus 3. The ten commandments are found in the bible books of exodus and. Contains a mix of detailed lesson plans, worksheets, quizzes, coloring pages, puzzles, and more. Bible quizzes free automatically scored quizzes on a. Your children will love learning about the exodus with the exodus activity book for kids ages 612. This book is called names in its original translation and it follows the tale of the israelites leaving slavery and bondage in egypt and traveling with moses to their promised land.

God smites the egyptians with ten terrible plagues, starting with the first. Can you answer the following questions on the book of exodus, the. Fun for kids to print and test their knowledge of the bible. Who wrote the bible book referred to in question 1. In the exodus, the hebrews went out of jerusalem persia egypt india. What did the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night signify. Our online book of exodus trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some. Just like god delivered the israelites from enslavement, he delivers us from sin, death and evil.

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